
Vue is a JS framework initially developed by Evan You while working at Google.

According to him:

I figured, what if I could just extract the part that I really liked about Angular and build something really lightweight.

So think of learning Vue as using the best parts of Angular.

Here's our table of contents

  • Components
    • Template
      • HTML
        • Mustache/Handlebars
      • Directives
        • v-text
        • v-html
        • v-show
        • v-if
        • v-else
        • v-else-if
        • v-for
        • v-on
        • v-bind
        • v-model
        • v-slot
        • v-pre
        • v-once
        • v-memo
        • v-cloak
      • Props
        • class
        • style
    • Script
      • Options
      • Composition(Vue3)
        • scripts
          • Setup
          • plain
        • state
          • ref
          • reactive
          • watch
        • computed
    • Style
      • CSS
      • Tailwind
    • lifecycle
      • onMounted
      • onUpdated
      • onUnmounted
      • onBeforeMount
      • onBeforeUpdate
      • onBeforeUnmount
      • onErrorCaptured
      • onRenderTracked
      • onRenderTriggered
      • onActivated
      • onDeactivated
      • onServerPrefetch