GCP Cloud Run Service Deploy

Demo App

CI/CD with Github actions, Docker registry, GCP Cloud Run & NodeJS.

The purpose of this project is to demo how to automate in CI/CD the revision of a GCP Cloud Run Service on push to a Github Repo.


  • Github
    • Repo
    • Secrets
    • Actions
    • .yml syntax
  • Docker
    • Account
    • Repo
  • GCP
    • Service Agent
    • .json


Build app

I used NodeJS and NPX Express Generator because it was quick & easy to get a simple web page which you can checkout here.

Update Version Code

Use a Marketplace Github Action to bump the version on push to repo/trigger. In my case I just have it as push to main because this is a POC.

Update Response from Github Action

Github actions have a lot of helpers which allow us to manage/administer our CI/CD pipeline more easily.

In this demo I just grab the commit sha to add to the resp as POC.

Build image

Build the container image within the job.

docker build -t primetimetran/gcp-cloud-run-example:latest . --platform linux/amd64

I included --platform linux/amd64 because it'll fail in Cloud Run if I don't at the time of writing. Note that you may need to remove it for the next step to succeed.

Test image works locally

This is what you'd do locally before integrating the CI/CD to produce a revision within Github actions

docker run -p=3000:3000 primetimetran/gcp-cloud-run-example:latest

We map host:container ports with the -p=3000:3000. So our host port 3000 will point toward the container port's 3000. If it was -p=3005:3000 then it'd be host port 3005 to container port 3000.

Push image to Docker Hub

Share our local image to DockerHub's container registry so Cloud Run has access to it later.

docker push primetimetran/gcp-cloud-run-example

Create a service.yaml

To programmatically create/revise a GCP Cloud Run service create a file named service.yaml and put in your project specific values. Read more.

Test new service revision from local command:

gcloud run services replace service.yaml



Update index file using a step in the jobs action which updates the response to include a url to the commit which triggered the workflow.